Thursday, December 6, 2007

The Handle's on the Other Side!

vI remember this painting of Jesus in a garden, and He's knocking onwhat looks to be a big oak door. Holman Hunt painted it and when he wasready to unveil it, he called his friends and family together. It wasquiet as each person stood there. Then, people began to comment on whatimpressed them. But one friend said hesitantly, "Uh, Holman, it's abeautiful painting. But, well, didn't you forget something?" "What didI forget?" The friend said, "The handle. There's no handle on thedoor." To which the artist simply replied, "Oh! No, I didn't forget thehandle. When Jesus knocks on the door of your heart, the handle's onthe INSIDE.
"This painting was based on Jesus' own words in Revelation 3:20. It wasa statement made originally to believers who had left Jesus out. "HereI am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opensthe door, I will come in."
The above story might be a familiar one to some. I know it is afamiliar story to me, but it never hurts to be reminded. This story isa true story and really touches my heart every time I see it. Have youreached out lately to take hold of that handle? The Lord presentsHimself to you in many ways. Are you listening?

In His Love,

Happy New year!


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